Fair contracting and contract compliance promotes a level playing field through observance with public construction laws. When responsible contractors bid and perform public construction projects, the taxpayer gets a high quality project performed by contractors who comply with the laws of the land.

Prevailing wage and other contract bidding laws provide governments and taxpayers quality construction at reasonable prices in an environment of trusted competition between qualified bidders.

Fair Laws like prevailing wage and responsible bidder requirements help to ensure that awarding agencies are not hurt by low-ball, fly-by-night contractors.

Enforcement of public contracting laws and regulations guarantee workers are properly compensated and taxpayers aren’t cheated.

Regulatory Resources are available to make sure contractors and public agencies are informed and aware of the changes to public contracting laws.

Responsible Contractors build better because studies show that contractors that comply with wage and hour laws are more likely to comply with other aspects of contract specifications.

Improved Cooperation between labor, management and government agencies assures everyone is protected by the law.

Contractors who work with LIUNA get well-trained, highly skilled laborers plus contract compliance resources to promote honest competition.

Affiliated Fair Contracting Offices

  • Northern California

    Foundation for Fair Contracting
    3807 Pasadena Ave. Suite 150
    Sacramento, CA 95821
    Phone: (916) 487-7871
    fax: (916) 487-0306
  • Southern California

    Center for Contract Compliance
    4399 Santa Anita Ave. Suite 100
    El Monte, CA 91731
    Phone: (626) 444-8355
    Fax: (626) 444-8173
  • National

    National Alliance for Fair Contracting
    905 – 16th St., NW
    Washington, DC 20006
    Phone: (866) 523-6232
    Fax: (202) 942-2228