Thank you for your interest in or being among the more than 2,000 contractors that have an agreement with the Laborers’ Union (LIUNA) in California, Arizona, New Mexico or Western Texas. Thousands more contractors have national or local-level agreements with LIUNA throughout the United States and Canada, all working to make their businesses more successful through a safe, skilled and productive workforce.
But in the end, the construction industry is all about finding the right projects to build and having trusted construction partners to build them with. LIUNA wants its signatory contractors to meet both of those goals. Through the LECET Market Expansion Program (MEP), LIUNA can supply contractors with information on upcoming construction projects. At the same time, LECET Southwest maintains a searchable directory of LIUNA signatory contractors so that owners and other contractors know they are working with industry professionals.
Get ahead of the competition and take advantage of the project and partnership opportunities available to your organization.
Project and Partnership Resources
Contractor Directory
New Signatory Contractors
LECET Market Expansion Program
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